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Sunday, November 16, 2008

friend is enough...

All of us have a different choice it comes in a word friendship. we have different people to know. we just know how to be a right person to them to complete and to give the meaning of friendship, although we know that there is no righteous in terms of being a human, everyone of us can choose which person is the right person to be friend. how do we know that he or she are good enough to be friend and good enough to be with forever, to share our lives, to give all the things that we have. For me there is no such good things to choose who will be our friend forever. we don't need to look someone to complete our lives. we must need to look around because in some way our siblings is enough to be a good friend either to be a best friend, because i know and I'm surely know that once you are in the darkness part of your life, they are here to support you to give courage and to give love that others did not do unto you. like they've been said "blood is thicker than water". true and we can't change that word for our own opinion and for our own choice. friend is only friends if you have both perception and thoughts, friends is remain friends not forever but till the time you're there. life is beautiful don't waste it in a wrong person, don't waste it in wrong choice. "god knows how wonderful your life is"...

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